Discrimination is discrimination, racism is racism and prejudice is prejudice. Anyone can engage in such behavior and these behaviors can be acted out or experienced on an individual/personal basis or in a systemic/ institutional way.
The demand for equality for all, has made it so that anyone in a position of power or advantage,(males, whites, the wealthy, corporations, teachers, police, politicians etc) are now held to a higher standard when it comes to these matters. When a person in a position of power discriminates against someone with no power, the consequences can be devastating to the one discriminated against. When a person in a position of power or advantage is discriminated against by someone who isn't in such a position, the consequences are typically less far reaching. This is why there seems to be a double standard. It's not Ok for men to make generalizations about women but women can say horrible things about men in general without being accused of being sexist. It's not Ok for White people to make generalizations about persons of color but they are free to make generalizations about whites without being considered racist. If heterosexuals make generalizations about Gay people, they're called homophobic.
The problem lies with some who have used their position of power to make it virtually impossible for the powerless to gain equality. From the big boy or girl bully in the playground to the powerful King or Queen waring with a weak country, this has been one of mankinds main problems throughout history and it has happened among every race and nationality. It happens in governments and in our time in history white people happen to be the ones left holding the bag. When measures are taken to remedy the situation, it comes across as a war on white people rather than as an attempt to bring equality to all.
Keeping racism alive is a money maker. Thanks in part to the media and to the race hustlers, rather than presenting the issue as institutional or systemic or as an ongoing human issue, they make sure to play upon our narcissistic human tendencies. They make sure people are taking it personally as if it is about them or happening to them. White individuals who may have no more power than anyone else and who have never treated anyone unfairly, feel as if they are being blamed/punished for the wrongs committed by others and persons of color feel as if whites are generally out to get them and on it goes.